Well hello friends!
As finals are quick approaching (*vomits*) I felt it necessary to share with you my favorite studying hacks. Though I'm not a huge fan, I do find myself cramming more than I'd like. It's inevitable when you have to juggle so many different classes and papers and tests oh my!
I've always kept the saying 'Cs Get Degrees' in the back of my brain because sometimes I find myself stressing out so much over some of the littlest things. It's so important to get good grades, and I'm not trying to tell you to slack off in school, but you really need to take a step back and breathe when you're having a panic attack over a 70 on a quiz that counts for 3% of your grade. Unless something truly tragic happens, you are going to graduate. If you're putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect, you're going to miss out on some of the best moments in college that your parents wish they could go back to. It's all about balance. And hey if you have 4 tests in one day, and one comes back as a 75, don't throw a fit, and don't punish yourself. There's only so much you can do and so much your brain can tolerate! Take that 75 and use it to motivate you for the next test! 1 bad grade doesn't define you as a person, nor does it define your level of intelligence.
Okay now that I got that off my chest, I have a few actual tips and tricks for you when you're stuck cramming!
1. Write everything out. It's scientifically proven to help you retain information. When you write something in your own handwriting, a part of your brain is triggered that helps you remember the information during the test. When you prefer flashcards or full blown color coded study guides, it really helps to cement everything in your brain.
2. Speaking of color coding- it's a miracle. Seriously it is the best way to keep everything organized in your head, plus fun colors can actually motivate you to study! If the paper and the notes are fun, your brain will be tricked into thinking that the information is just as fun!
3. Social media is sometimes the leading cause of cramming. We begin to write a paper and then we quickly check facebook. Suddenly it's 2 hours later and you've found yourself looking at pins of cute baby otters on Pinterest. WHERE DID THE TIME GO?! Well I have your answer: www.selfcontrolapp.com It's only for Macs but it blocks sites like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter for a set amount of time while you work!
4. If you're like me, you hate silence. Sometimes I find that silence is more distracting than noise! However I also catch myself stepping away from my work because my favorite song comes on, or I have trouble concentrating when I'm reading and have lyrics blasting at me. My suggestion is to switch to classical music. Just like classical symphonies help toddlers brains develop, it can really help you focus! It takes the place of your latest Spotify playlist, so you still have noise, but aren't as tempted to hop up and dance
5. Check with your school, probably in the library, for the Writing Intensive Tutors. They're students just like you, who have been recommended by professors to serve as 'writing specialists'. They can help you with grammar, help you figure out that weird sentence you just cant get to sound right, and they can help you with formatting and all that fun stuff! WITs have saved my life so many times. Sometimes it just takes a second pair of eyes to take your paper from a B to an A+
So what are some of your favorite study tips? Please share them here to help us all survive April & May!
xoxo, CourtneyBridget
Once you have started the preparations for your exam, you need to set the schedule for your study as you just can’t study effectively without it. For my LSAT I study 3 hours daily in two shifts. Have joined one of the popular LSAT Prep Courses for this and I am very happy with this course.