Friday, February 26, 2016

A Letter to my 16 Year Old Self

Dear 16 Year Old Courtney,

You are at a time in your life where everything seems so perfect. And ya know what? Even looking back at it now, almost about to turn 21, it was perfect. You have exactly what you need right now with an amazing group of friends who love you so much, experiencing things you could never have even dreamed about!
You have and still do have, an incredible family with 2 parents who are willing to do literally anything for you, no matter how insane the request. You're brother is always going to seem like a different species to you, but you know that no matter what he'll always come support you. He sits through all your shows in college, even the ones that make him uncomfortable, and whenever you're home, he's always ready for a trip to the marina. So while you're 16, don't alienate him. Don't judge him for the things he does with his friends or the way he handles things. Hes just a boy, they're weird.

Speaking of boys, you'll be happy to know that by age 20 we don't get any less weird and nervous around boys so we'll just keep waiting on that miracle together. There will be a few boys as you grow and get to college, I just want you to remember that no matter what happens you're value does not decrease based on their inability to see your worth. You will experience your first rough heartbreak your first 2 years of college and it's going to absolutely suck. You're going to want to cry all the time or punch him in the teeth, but in true Courtney fashion, you'll smile through it and continue trying to have the best college experience you can.
When you hit 18, you'll get to college, (I won't tell you which one), and you'll fall in love with it. You have an insanely wonderful group of friends who are there for you no matter what happens, and you will experience a whole new part of life. It's an incredible feeling, being on your own and succeeding doing what you love to do. College will come with some rough choices, but always follow your gut. It's never wrong.

Keep an eye out for a crazy Argentinian modern dance teacher when you get to school. She is one of the best people you'll meet in your four years. She will hand you incredible opportunities to broaden your horizons all while kicking your butt in her Barre a Terre class.

I'm sure you're reading all this college stuff and thinking, 'But what about my roommate?!' Well I'm here to tell you that Bridget (or Budge as you'll eventually call her out of pure laziness when auto-correct does you dirty one day) SUCKS. Just kidding, she will become one of the most important people in you're life. She will send you all the cute pictures of puppies, yell Merrily We Roll along at you while she's drunk, watch Aquamarine with you on every snow day, and always be up for roomie pillow-talk. She's there for you when your heart feels heavy, and you are always there to pick up the pieces when she needs you most. You'll still have Nick so don't fret, but you'll meet a few more gems in your freshman year like Jess, Ryan & Madison who are still your 'mainz' now in junior year, and looking forward, that's not changing any time soon.

So look to the future with light in your heart, the best is yet to come! You're going to vomit at a college party, and take accounting which makes you want to implode, but you'll learn to live on your own and deal with your anxiety, you'll read some amazing books, and finally go to The Met like Gossip Girl!
Also, one more thing before I leave, you have celiac disease. It sucks eggs, figured you'd want to hear it from me instead of that weird Dr. with the gross finger nails.

Sincerely yours,